New 'CABLING VIRTUAL' to virtually define the Harness structure on existing drawings - Info in the News |

production orders with different harnesses to be distributed on one or more

Starting from the harness layouts created with CABLING 4D or importing an Excel file containing the Connections data, CABLING FOR PRODUCTION allows you to process and generate outputs dedicated to production with automatic cut/strip/crimp machines.
- It is possible to create a production job-order by choosing one or more harness codes with the relative quantity to be produced
- Automatic generation of the cutting table with only the operations to be carried out on the cut/strip/crimp machines based on the chosen machine configuration and the available mini-applicators
- Automatic generation of the graphic table of the operations to be carried out in the finishing department
- All production job-order choices are saved to be re-used
- The 4P module can be customized by us to be adapted to your specific requests
- The benefits of CABLING FOR CABLING can be summarized in 3 points:
- Reduction of preparation time for production
- Generation of automatic outputs which facilitate the planning of wires cutting and assembly, eliminating any errors
- Automation of the process without precluding the degree of freedom to the production manager
- Processing for cutting takes place considering numerous cases including:
- Connections belonging to multipolar cables or moulded cables
- Terminals which are not associated with a mini-applicator
- Same head/tail terminals in the availability of only one mini-applicator
- Crimped terminals with 2 wires with different colour/section/marking
- Terminals with more than 2 wires
- Connections to the Splices
- Connections outside the length and section ranges of the selected machine
- Terminals with seals / faston covers in the absence of the relative units on the chosen machine
- Terminals to which the Finishing assembly department has been assigned.

* Conversion software are required: Top Converter / Agama / Cayman

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