New 'CABLING VIRTUAL' to virtually define the Harness structure on existing drawings - Info in the News |


Important innovation in the markings of the connections, both those at the ends and those cyclical along the wire:
- Dialogs have been improved
- Cyclic markings are no longer saved as a connection name but as separate information
- The cyclic marking information can now be viewed, in addition to the group indications, on all CABLING outputs including the graphic ones (%MC% tag in TblWire* blocks)
- For cyclic markings, the 'Edit Markings of a Group' button has been added in the window dedicated to them which allows you to modify, add or delete the marking texts. For the markings at the ends, however, the '3 - Connections' and 'Pins and Connection Management' commands continue to be used.
- The 'Force start of connections from a Group' button has been added on both markings (end and cyclical) which allows you to reverse the connection (if necessary). Where start and finish group information is involved this allows markings to be generated in the desired sequence/direction
- The markings can also be exported to CABLING 4P (Cabling for Production) to print them in inkjet with automatic cutting/stripping/crimping machines.
- Cyclic markings are intended only for inkjet printing on the wire, those at the ends for both printing and Wire Marker/labels.